But What About the Buildings?

What a pleasure to welcome guest contributor, Amir Husain, Founder & CEO, SparkCognition, to post about one of the most important, but often overlooked, areas of Smart City innovation – the buildings!


People have always sought to make sense of the environment and utilize resources to enhance their safety, comfort, and wellbeing. It is no different in the growing world of IoT and the evolution of how brick-and-mortar buildings are moving from solely providing shelter to having increasingly complex “intelligent” systems, which allow them to evaluate their own surroundings for the ultimate comfort and safety of their inhabitants.

We are all familiar with current systems installed in many buildings- automated doors, thermostats, smoke detectors, security motion sensors, and the like. These conveniences make our surroundings more comfortable, but that is where their usefulness ends. Increasingly sophisticated systems will enable buildings to “think” for themselves by inferring outcomes and insights from the collected data of these technologies and not only predict, but diagnose issues.



The post But What About the Buildings? appeared first on Enterprise IoT Insights.

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