How to AWS sts presume function in one command

The problem – what it requires to presume a function

To presume an AWS function in the CLI, you will need to do something like this:

 aws sts assume-role-- role-arn arn: aws: iam::123456789123: role/myAwesomeRole-- role-session-name test-- area eu-central-1

This will offer you the list below output:

" Qualifications": {
" AccessKeyId": "someAccessKeyId",.
" SecretAccessKey": "someSecretAccessKey",.
" SessionToken": "someSessionToken",.
" Expiration": "20203-01-02T06:52:13 +00:00".
" AssumedRoleUser": {
" AssumedRoleId": "idOfTheAssummedRole",.
" Arn": "theARNOfTheRoleIWantToAssume".

However then you will need to by hand copy and paste the worths of AccessKeyId, SecretAccessKey and SessionToken in a lot of exports like this:

 export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=" someAccessKeyId"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=" someSecretAccessKey"
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=" someSessionToken"

At this phase you can presume the function&& mldr;.

The service – how to speed this up

You can do this with, or without jq

Undoubtedly the less reliances the much better, so we will do it:

  • Without jq
  • Without several exports
  • By utilizing printf built-ins

This likewise enables the advantage of no credential leak through / proc

$( aws sts assume-role.
-- role-arn arn: aws: iam::123456789012: role/MyAssumedRole.
-- role-session-name MySessionName.
-- inquiry "Qualifications.[AccessKeyId,SecretAccessKey,SessionToken]".
-- output text)).

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