Papier Mache Table Lamps by Henri Dejeant

A transcendent table light keeps capturing our attention. Curved and plant-like, it’s made from a product similar to plaster. After identifying the style in stylish settings in France over the last 2 years, we needed to learn more.

The Sightings

the lamp first appeared in the merci department store’s showcase ap 14
Above: The light initially appeared in the Merci outlet store’s display home: see Lessons in Mixing and Matching: Merci Transforms an 18th Century a Household Home in the 5ème Picture thanks to Merci.

recently, the light cropped up in artist heather chontos’s 17th ce 15
Above: Just recently, the light surfaced in artist Heather Chontos’s 17th century Barn Studio in Southwest France She informed us she purchased it in Morocco from a French craftsmen called Henri Dejeant. Picture by Heather Chontos.

another henri dejeant lamp stands bedside in heather chontos’s ston 16
Above: Another Henri Dejeant light stands bedside in Heather Chontos’s Stone Farmhouse Picture by Heather Chontos.

The Source

henri dejeant started making his lamps more than a decade ago while running a h 17
Above: Henri Dejeant began making his lights more than a years back while running a hotel in a Berber town in southern Morocco with his cousin. Influenced by Moroccan workmanship and upcycling practices, he started try out scrap paper and established his own malleable variation of papier maché; it was the product that led him to attempt his hand at lighting style.

Dejeant has actually given that returned to the south of France, where matured; his workshop, Henri Atelier, remains in the village of Béziers. He’s been constructing things given that he was a kid– for his 11th birthday, Dejeant got a workbench that he still utilizes.

henri dejeant table lamp in kraft petite from merci, paris. 18

Dejeant makes his paper productions utilizing his own mix of binders, that include plaster of paris and flour, and completes them with a mix of waxes. “My objective,” he states, “is to preserve an environmental method from development to shipment.”

the invider medium, €429, is shown here in dejeant’s own ho 19
Above: The Invider Medium, EUR429, is revealed here in Dejeant’s own home. He offers his styles on his web store and through a variety of shops in France.

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