Display and enhance expense on AWS Glue for Apache Glow

AWS Glue is a serverless information combination service that makes it easy to find, prepare, and integrate information for analytics, artificial intelligence (ML), and application advancement. You can utilize AWS Glue to develop, run, and display information combination and ETL (extract, change, and load) pipelines and brochure your possessions throughout numerous information shops.

Among the most typical concerns we obtain from clients is how to successfully keep track of and enhance expenses on AWS Glue for Glow. The variety of functions and prices choices for AWS Glue uses the versatility to successfully handle the expense of your information work and still keep the efficiency and capability according to your service requirements. Although the basic procedure of expense optimization for AWS Glue work stays the exact same, you can keep track of task runs and evaluate the expenses and use to discover cost savings and act to execute enhancements to the code or setups.

In this post, we show a tactical method to assist you handle and decrease expense through tracking and optimization strategies on top of your AWS Glue work.

Display total expenses on AWS Glue for Apache Glow

AWS Glue for Apache Glow charges a per hour rate in 1-second increments with a minimum of 1 minute based upon the variety of information processing systems (DPUs). Discover more in AWS Glue Rates This area explains a method to keep track of total expenses on AWS Glue for Apache Glow.

AWS Expense Explorer

In AWS Expense Explorer, you can see total patterns of DPU hours. Total the following actions:

  1. On the Expense Explorer console, develop a brand-new expense and use report.
  2. For Service, pick Glue
  3. For Use type, pick the following choices:
    1. Select << Area>>- ETL-DPU-Hour (DPU-Hour) for basic tasks.
    2. Select << Area>>- ETL-Flex-DPU-Hour (DPU-Hour) for Flex tasks.
    3. Select << Area>>- GlueInteractiveSession-DPU-Hour (DPU-Hour) for interactive sessions.
  4. Select Apply

Cost Explorer for Glue usage

Find Out More in Examining your expenses with AWS Expense Explorer

Display specific task run expenses

This area explains a method to keep track of specific task run expenses on AWS Glue for Apache Glow. There are 2 choices to attain this.

AWS Glue Studio Keeping track of page

On the Tracking page in AWS Glue Studio, you can keep track of the DPU hours you invested in a particular task run. The following screenshot reveals 3 task runs that processed the exact same dataset; the very first task run invested 0.66 DPU hours, and the 2nd invested 0.44 DPU hours. The 3rd one with Flex invested just 0.33 DPU hours.

Glue Studio Job Run Monitoring

GetJobRun and GetJobRuns APIs

The DPU hour worths per task run can be obtained through AWS APIs.

For car scaling tasks and Flex tasks, the field DPUSeconds is offered in GetJobRun and GetJobRuns API actions:

$ aws glue get-job-run-- job-name ghcn-- run-id jr_ccf6c31cc32184cea60b63b15c72035e31e62296846bad11cd1894d785f671f4
" JobRun": {
" Id": "jr_ccf6c31cc32184cea60b63b15c72035e31e62296846bad11cd1894d785f671f4",.
" Try": 0,.
" JobName": "ghcn",.
" StartedOn": "2023-02-08T19:14:53.821000 +09:00",.
" LastModifiedOn": "2023-02-08T19:19:35.995000 +09:00",.
" CompletedOn": "2023-02-08T19:19:35.995000 +09:00",.
" JobRunState": "WAS SUCCESSFUL",.
" PredecessorRuns": [],.
" AllocatedCapacity": 10,.
" ExecutionTime": 274,.
" Timeout": 2880,.
" MaxCapacity": 10.0,.
" WorkerType": "G. 1X",.
" NumberOfWorkers": 10,.
" LogGroupName": "/ aws-glue/jobs",.
" GlueVersion": "3.0",.
" ExecutionClass": "FLEX",.
" DPUSeconds": 1137.0.

The field DPUSeconds returns 1137.0. This indicates 0.32 DPU hours which can be determined in 1137.0/( 60 * 60)= 0.32

For the other basic tasks without car scaling, the field DPUSeconds is not offered:

$ aws glue get-job-run-- job-name ghcn-- run-id jr_10dfa93fcbfdd997dd9492187584b07d305275531ff87b10b47f92c0c3bd6264.
" JobRun": {
" Id": "jr_10dfa93fcbfdd997dd9492187584b07d305275531ff87b10b47f92c0c3bd6264",.
" Try": 0,.
" JobName": "ghcn",.
" StartedOn": "2023-02-07T16:38:05.155000 +09:00",.
" LastModifiedOn": "2023-02-07T16:40:48.575000 +09:00",.
" CompletedOn": "2023-02-07T16:40:48.575000 +09:00",.
" JobRunState": "WAS SUCCESSFUL",.
" PredecessorRuns": [],.
" AllocatedCapacity": 10,.
" ExecutionTime": 157,.
" Timeout": 2880,.
" MaxCapacity": 10.0,.
" WorkerType": "G. 1X",.
" NumberOfWorkers": 10,.
" LogGroupName": "/ aws-glue/jobs",.
" GlueVersion": "3.0",.
" ExecutionClass": "REQUIREMENT".

For these tasks, you can compute DPU hours by ExecutionTime * MaxCapacity/( 60 * 60) Then you get 0.44 DPU hour by 157 * 10/( 60 * 60)= 0.44 Keep In Mind that AWS Glue variations 2.0 and later on have a 1-minute minimum billing.

AWS CloudFormation design template

Due to the fact that DPU hours can be obtained through the GetJobRun and GetJobRuns APIs, you can incorporate this with other services like Amazon CloudWatch to keep track of patterns of taken in DPU hours with time. For instance, you can set up an Amazon EventBridge guideline to conjure up an AWS Lambda function to release CloudWatch metrics whenever AWS Glue tasks end up.

To assist you set up that rapidly, we supply an AWS CloudFormation design template. You can examine and personalize it to fit your requirements. A few of the resources this stack deploys sustain expenses when in usage.

The CloudFormation design template produces the list below resources:

To develop your resources, finish the following actions:

  1. Check In to the AWS CloudFormation console.
  2. Select Introduce Stack:
  3. Select Next
  4. Select Next
  5. On the next page, pick Next
  6. Evaluation the information on the last page and choose I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation may develop IAM resources
  7. Select Produce stack

Stack production can use up to 3 minutes.

After you finish the stack production, when AWS Glue tasks end up, the following DPUHours metrics are released under the Glue namespace in CloudWatch:

  • Aggregated metrics— Measurement =[JobType, GlueVersion, ExecutionClass]
  • Per-job metrics— Measurement =[JobName, JobRunId=ALL]
  • Per-job run metrics— Measurement =[JobName, JobRunId]

Aggregated metrics and per-job metrics are revealed as in the following screenshot.

CloudWatch DPUHours Metrics

Each datapoint represents DPUHours per specific task run, so legitimate data for the CloudWatch metrics is amount. With the CloudWatch metrics, you can have a granular view on DPU hours.

Choices to enhance expense

This area explains crucial choices to enhance expenses on AWS Glue for Apache Glow:

  • Upgrade to the most recent variation
  • Automobile scaling
  • Flex
  • Set the task’s timeout duration properly
  • Interactive sessions
  • Smaller sized employee type for streaming tasks

We dive deep to the specific choices.

Upgrade to the most recent variation

Having AWS Glue tasks operating on the most recent variation allows you to make the most of the most recent performances and enhancements provided by AWS Glue and the updated variation of the supported engines such as Apache Glow. For instance, AWS Glue 4.0 consists of the brand-new enhanced Apache Glow 3.3.0 runtime and includes assistance for integrated pandas APIs along with native assistance for Apache Hudi, Apache Iceberg, and Delta Lake formats, providing you more choices for evaluating and saving your information. It likewise consists of a brand-new extremely performant Amazon Redshift port that is 10 times quicker on TPC-DS benchmarking.

Automobile scaling

Among the most typical difficulties to decrease expense is to determine the correct amount of resources to run tasks. Users tend to overprovision employees in order to prevent resource-related issues, however part of those DPUs are not utilized, which increases expenses needlessly. Beginning with AWS Glue variation 3.0, AWS Glue car scaling assists you dynamically scale resources up and down based upon the work, for both batch and streaming tasks. Automobile scaling lowers the requirement to enhance the variety of employees to prevent over-provisioning resources for tasks, or spending for idle employees.

To make it possible for car scaling on AWS Glue Studio, go to the Task Information tab of your AWS Glue task and choose Instantly scale variety of employees

Glue Auto Scaling

You can find out more in Presenting AWS Glue Automobile Scaling: Instantly resize serverless computing resources for lower expense with enhanced Apache Glow


For non-urgent information combination work that do not need quick task start times or can manage to rerun the tasks in case of a failure, Flex might be an excellent alternative. The start times and runtimes of tasks utilizing Flex differ due to the fact that extra calculate resources aren’t constantly offered quickly and might be recovered throughout the run of a task. Flex-based tasks provide the exact same abilities, consisting of access to custom-made adapters, a visual task authoring experience, and a task scheduling system. With the Flex alternative, you can enhance the expenses of your information combination work by as much as 34%.

To make it possible for Flex on AWS Glue Studio, go to the Task Information tab of your task and choose Flex execution

Glue Flex

You can find out more in Presenting AWS Glue Flex tasks: Expense cost savings on ETL work

Interactive sessions

One typical practice amongst designers that develop AWS Glue tasks is to run the exact same task numerous times whenever an adjustment is made to the code. Nevertheless, this might not be affordable depending of the variety of employees appointed to the task and the variety of times that it’s run. Likewise, this method might decrease the advancement time due to the fact that you need to wait up until every task run is total. To resolve this problem, in 2022 we launched AWS Glue interactive sessions This function let designers procedure information interactively utilizing a Jupyter– based note pad or IDE of their option. Sessions begin in seconds and have integrated expense management. Similar To AWS Glue tasks, you spend for just the resources you utilize. Interactive sessions enable designers to evaluate their code line by line without requiring to run the whole task to evaluate any modifications made to the code.

Set the task’s timeout duration properly

Due to setup concerns, script coding mistakes, or information abnormalities, in some cases AWS Glue tasks can take an incredibly very long time or battle to process the information, and it can trigger unforeseen charges. AWS Glue provides you the capability to set a timeout worth on any tasks. By default, an AWS Glue task is set up with 2 days as the timeout worth, however you can define any timeout. We suggest recognizing the typical runtime of your task, and based upon that, set a suitable timeout duration. In this manner, you can manage expense per task run, avoid unforeseen charges, and identify any issues associated with the task previously.

To alter the timeout worth on AWS Glue Studio, go to the Task Information tab of your task and get in a worth for Task timeout

Glue job timeout

Interactive sessions likewise have the exact same capability to set an idle timeout worth on sessions. The default idle timeout worth for Glow ETL sessions is 2880 minutes (2 days). To alter the timeout worth, you can utilize % idle_timeout magic

Smaller sized employee type for streaming tasks

Processing information in genuine time is a typical usage case for clients, however in some cases these streams have erratic and low information volumes. G. 1X and G. 2X employee types might be too huge for these work, particularly if we think about streaming tasks might require to run 24/7. To assist you decrease expenses, in 2022 we launched G. 025X, a brand-new quarter DPU employee type for streaming ETL tasks. With this brand-new employee type, you can process low information volume streams at one-fourth of the expense.

To choose the G. 025X employee type on AWS Glue Studio, go to the Task Information tab of your task. For Type, pick Glow Streaming, then pick G 0.25 X for Employee type

Glue smaller worker

You can find out more in Finest practices to enhance expense and efficiency for AWS Glue streaming ETL tasks

Efficiency tuning to enhance expense

Efficiency tuning plays a crucial function in lowering expense. The very first action for efficiency tuning is to determine the traffic jams. Without determining the efficiency and recognizing traffic jams, it’s not reasonable to enhance cost-effectively. CloudWatch metrics supply an easy view for fast analysis, and the Glow UI supplies much deeper view for efficiency tuning. It’s extremely suggested to make it possible for Glow UI for your tasks and after that see the UI to determine the traffic jam.

The following are top-level methods to enhance expenses:

  • Scale cluster capability
  • Minimize the quantity of information scanned
  • Parallelize jobs
  • Enhance shuffles
  • Get rid of information alter
  • Speed up inquiry preparation

For this post, we go over the strategies for lowering the quantity of information scanned and parallelizing jobs.

Minimize the quantity of information scanned: Allow task bookmarks

AWS Glue task bookmarks are an ability to procedure information incrementally when running a task numerous times on a set up period. If your usage case is an incremental information load, you can make it possible for task bookmarks to prevent a complete scan for all task runs and procedure just the delta from the last task run. This lowers the quantity of information scanned and speeds up specific task runs.

Minimize the quantity of information scanned: Partition pruning

If your input information is segmented beforehand, you can decrease the quantity of information scan by pruning partitions.

For AWS Glue DynamicFrame, set push_down_predicate (and catalogPartitionPredicate), as displayed in the following code. Discover more in Handling partitions for ETL output in AWS Glue

 # DynamicFrame.
dyf = Glue_context. create_dynamic_frame. from_catalog(.
database= src_database_name,.
table_name= src_table_name,.
push_down_predicate="year=" 2023" and month=" 03"",

For Glow DataFrame (or Trigger SQL), set a where or filter stipulation to prune partitions:

 # DataFrame.
df = spark.read.format(" json"). load(" s3://<< YourBucket>>/ year= 2023/month= 03/ */ *. gz").

# SparkSQL.
df = spark.sql(" SELECT * FROM << Table> > WHERE year=" 2023" and month=" 03"")

Parallelize jobs: Parallelize JDBC checks out

The variety of concurrent checks out from the JDBC source is figured out by setup. Keep in mind that by default, a single JDBC connection will check out all the information from the source through a SELECT inquiry.

Both AWS Glue DynamicFrame and Glow DataFrame assistance parallelize information scans throughout numerous jobs by splitting the dataset.

For AWS Glue DynamicFrame, set hashfield or hashexpression and hashpartition Discover more in Checking out from JDBC tables in parallel

For Glow DataFrame, set numPartitions, partitionColumn, lowerBound, and upperBound Discover more in JDBC To Other Databases


In this post, we talked about approaches for tracking and enhancing expense on AWS Glue for Apache Glow. With these strategies, you can successfully keep track of and enhance expenses on AWS Glue for Glow.

If you have remarks or feedback, please leave them in the remarks.

About the Authors

Leonardo Gómez is a Principal Analytics Professional Solutions Designer at AWS. He has more than a years of experience in information management, assisting clients around the world address their service and technical requirements. Get in touch with him on Leonardo Gómez is a Principal Analytics Professional Solutions Designer at AWS. He has more than a years of experience in information management, assisting clients around the world address their service and technical requirements. Get in touch with him on LinkedIn

Noritaka Sekiyama is a Principal Big Data Designer on the AWS Glue group. He is accountable for developing software application artifacts to assist clients. In his extra time, he delights in biking with his brand-new roadway bike.

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