The Smart Method To Purchase EPR Characteristics: The Preferred Shares (NYSE: EPR)

Rocket Launch Digital Business Startup


This short article was very first released to members of my service on June 23th 2023. All choice computations are theoretical and are utilized to figure out reasonable worth based upon the normally accepted requirements.

Our continuous look for “alpha” financial investment chances

EPR-C info

EPR-C information (

Prefered stocks info

Preferred stocks information ( exclusive software application)

EPR-E info

EPR-E information (

EPR-C to EPR-E comparison

EPR-C to EPR-E contrast ( exclusive spreadsheet)

EPR call options

EPR call choices ( Interactive Brokers)

EPR-C - EPR*0.42

EPR-C – EPR * 0.42 ( TradingView)

EPR 10-year call option with a strike price of 45

EPR 10-year call choice with a strike cost of 45 (

EPR 10-year call option with a strike price of 60

EPR 10-year call choice with a strike cost of 60 (

Adjusted CY comparison

Changed CY contrast ( exclusive spreadsheet)

EPR-G info

EPR-G information (

EPR bonds

EPR bonds ( Interactive Brokers)

Option-adjusted CY comparison

Option-adjusted CY contrast ( exclusive spreadsheet)

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: